The Complete Guide to Electrostatic Air Purifiers

Balloon rubbed on head showing static electricity

Spring is still in the air and seasonal allergies are being triggered, which has many people seeking solutions for better air filtration in their homes. 

Maintaining your home’s air quality isn’t just a seasonal matter but something you need to address year-round. That’s why effective air filtration in your home is so important! 

Air purifiers come in many forms, one of which is electrostatic air purifiers. Electrostatic air filters use static electricity to catch particles as they pass through the filter. 

In this blog, we will deep dive into everything you need to know about electrostatic air purifiers and their purpose in your home or business.

In the market for an air purifier? Our mission at Air Oasis is to help you breathe easy. You can shop by concern to find an air purifier that meets your needs.

What is Electrostatic?

First, let’s define what electrostatic means and how air filters use it. If you’ve ever rubbed a balloon against your hair, causing your hair to stand up, then you have experienced static electricity. Static electricity is created when there is a difference in the charges of particles. Electrostatic air filters are created from filter media that undergoes a process to “charge” it. 

What is an Electrostatic Air Purifier?

An electrostatic air purifier works like a magnet for dust and particles floating in the air. The particles float through the filter, are given an electric charge, and then pulled toward the magnetic plates, where they adhere. The dust and particles floating in the air get stuck in the device, which reduces their concentration in the air.

Electrostatic Precipitator

Electrostatic precipitators are an air purification tool that uses electrostatic force to capture and hold dust and other particles in the air. 

As with an electrostatic air purifier, the airborne particles flow because magnetic plates are charged, and then attach to the collecting plates, effectively removing them from the air. 

Electrostatic precipitators use high voltage to collect particles, which can be adjusted so the precipitator works in different situations. Electrostatic precipitators are effective in industrial workplaces, but not for your home. 

With many types of air purifiers on the market, it’s important to figure out which systems are best for residential versus commercial use. 

Ready to dive deeper? Read about the benefits of uses of electronic air cleaners and purifiers in our analysis here

What Electrostatic Air Cleaners Are Used For

Electrostatic air cleaners are used as a high efficiency option for collecting particles in the air, including pollen, dust mites, and carpet fibers. While reusable, eco-friendly, and cost-effective, electrostatic filters are not recommended for individuals with severe allergies or asthma, as their high efficiency (and low MERV rating) can miss some of the tiniest of dust particles. 

In case you’re unfamiliar with the term, a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) rates a filter's efficiency. Typical electrostatic air cleaners have a rating between one to four, making them a good fit for household use or for individuals who do not have severe allergies or asthma. Filters with ratings closer to 12 are best used for industrial and hospital settings. 

If you and your family struggle with allergies, you can shop for air purifiers for allergies on our website here. 

Unless you have a specific and severe allergy to something like mold or pets, electrostatic air cleaners can be useful to improve the air quality of your home.

Benefits of Electrostatic Air Purifiers

Electrostatic air cleaners have three advantages that make them a good fit for certain situations: 

  1. Cost-effective. Electrostatic air filters are permanent or reusable filters, meaning you only have to buy one for the lifetime of your heating or cooling system. While they cost more upfront, in the long run you save money. 
  2. Target small particles in the air. Unlike disposable air filters, electrostatic air filters use static electricity to capture tiny particles in the air. Because of the magnetic nature of the filters, they are able to capture small, microscopic particles that traditional disposable filters could miss.  
  3. Eco-friendly. As noted above, electrostatic air filters are reusable and cause less of an environmental impact than disposable counterparts. 

HEPA vs. Electrostatic Air Purifiers

HEPA and electrostatic air purifiers may seem similar but there are key comparisons to note. There are differences in the technology, particle removal method, and recommended use. 

First, unlike HEPA filters, electrostatic air purifiers do not use disposable filters. Instead, you wash out the internal filtration system and then reuse it. Electrostatic air purifiers remove about 20% of dust particles from the air, while HEPA filters capture about 99.97% of allergens, smoke, dust, and pollutants.  

Second, HEPA filters have a much higher MERV rating, usually above 12, while an electrostatic air purifier is typically rated between one and four. This does not mean electrostatic filters shouldn’t be used, it just speaks to their performance potentials. 

Lastly, electrostatic air purifiers are recommended for household use in a home where people don’t have severe allergies or asthma. On the flip side, HEPA filters offer an ideal household solution for people with all sorts of conditions, as well as being a viable solution for industrial and hospital settings. Bonus: HEPA filters have been found to prevent viral infection and the spread of COVID-19, which is why they are the preferred filter for hospitals. 

The Smartest Electronic Air Purifier

The goal of any type of air purifier is to help you, your family, your students, your employees, and any other people breathe cleaner air. It’s important that you learn about the types of air purifiers so you can make an informed choice as you shop for air purifiers online.

If you’re in the market for a quality and innovative air purifier, we’re here to serve. Air Oasis offers one of the smartest home air purifiers on the market: the iAdaptAir®. 

Our app-enabled air purifier uses multistage filtration, including a HEPA filter, carbon filter, UV light, and Bi-Polar® ionization. Rigorous research has shown this to be the maximally effective approach to help your family breathe easy year-round. 

Without our health, we have nothing. Which is why we’ve dedicated our business to refining air purifier technology.

As a family-owned business for over 17 years, Air Oasis prides itself on producing air purifiers that improve the quality of your home. Shop the iAdaptAir® series here

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